Xpio, CiMH and California Counties Partner on HIPAA and CyberSecurity

March 1st, 2014

The California Institute of Mental Health (CiMH) has awarded Xpio Health an annual contract for ongoing HIPAA and CyberSecurity support for both CiMH systems, and the California counties supported by CiMH.

“I’m excited to expand our partnership with CiMH and the Counties and look forward to continuing to offer high value IT and CyberSecurity services to California counties. Healthcare security is a dynamic and moving target, and the stakes are high. CMS and HIPAA are holding organizations to high standards of accountability under the Omnibus Rule and Meaningful Use requirements, and HHS has been levying record penalties for organizations that fail to comply with regulations. In addition, the threat landscape continues to evolve and we are now seeing sophisticated intrusion methods like the use of encryption to cover up activity, as well as hold data hostage.  This contract speaks to CiMH’s ongoing commitment to HIPAA compliance and security, and we look forward to continuing to support CiMH and California counties in mitigating risk, protecting personal health information integrity, and being responsible stewards of electronic patient health information.”