Electronic Health Record

24 posts

3-legged stool

CEO Insights: The Three-Legged Stool of EHR Success

When behavioral health organizations embark on the journey of customizing their Electronic Health Records (EHR), success hinges on a collaborative approach. As Xpio Health CEO Thaddeus Dickson explains, effective EHR […]

EHR optimize or replace

CEO Insights: Maximizing EHR Value Through Optimization

“Often, behavioral health organizations rush to replace their EHR systems without fully understanding their existing capabilities,” observes Thad Dickson, CEO of Xpio Health. With more than a decade of experience […]

The role of AI in EHR optimization

AI in EHR Systems: The Path to Optimized Healthcare

Healthcare technology has always been a catalyst for transformation. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems stands as a brilliant example, holding the potential to […]