COO Traci Crowder: Information Hunter, Firefighter, and Success Chaser

Traci Crowder, COO of Xpio Health for six years, cuts through the noise. With an eye on the bottom line and a direct approach to customer satisfaction and staff productivity, she is the glue that holds the pieces together. Traci is the spark in the engine, ensuring that Xpio’s people-centric values shine through the daily grind. She exemplifies excellence in behavioral health and is a driving force behind our innovative healthcare technology solutions. According to Xpio CEO Thad Dickson, “Traci is the heart and soul of our team – her intelligence, humor, and genuine care for our customers shine through in everything she does.” Her approach is all about rolling up her sleeves, diving into challenges, and turning tough stuff into opportunities — all with a dash of delight.

Describe your role at Xpio Health in three sentences or less.
I aim to delight! My role is to foster a culture of creative thinking and problem-solving to ensure that customers are delighted with the service they receive and that staff are delighted with their work environment. This includes adopting a hands-on approach to client and staff relationships to ensure the highest levels of satisfaction and that customers and staff get what they need when they need it.

What do you believe sets Xpio Health apart from others in the industry?
We pay attention to details and stay educated on solutions. We care about the people being served and the people working in our customer organizations – we come from those organizations. We know behavioral health, compliance, and technology and are familiar with the challenges our customers experience. We continue to expand our knowledge and level of expertise with multiple technology solutions. We are determined to spend the necessary time to dig into the details of customer needs and be experts in resolving problems with relevant technology.

How do you handle stress or tight deadlines in your role?
Prioritize items with the biggest negative impact, communicate relevant information, bounce ideas off others, take breaks, and work from lists.

How do you continue to learn and grow in your profession?
Stay connected to the behavioral health community, read behavioral health/technology publications, take courses, and attend relevant webinars.

What’s one thing about you that might surprise people?
I love rap music.

If you could give advice to yourself when you were starting at Xpio, what would it be?
Be open to learning things outside of your comfort zone, find new ways to solve old problems, think about how your work affects people being served by our customers, and keep your timesheet current!

Outside of work, what are some of your passions or hobbies?
Cultures, languages, cooking, backpacking, kayaking, traveling, true crime books

How many pets are currently living with you? Tell us about your animal pals.
I have two dogs and two cats. Zuna is our sentinel who is always on guard, has a vicious bark that she uses for anything she thinks is dangerous, but looks like a fluffy teddy bear (see evidence, above). Neela is the youngest, who loves everything and everyone. She loves to snuggle, barks at what her sister barks at, plays hard and sleeps hard. Croce and Mika are sibling cats that we adopted 13 years ago. Croce thinks he’s a dog and Mika is definitely a cat.

If you had to pick one word to describe yourself, what would it be and why?
Helper – I became a helper at a very young age when my dad was severely injured in Vietnam, and I never looked back. Helping others find meaningful ways to improve situations has been my life’s work.

Describe a place you’ve visited that left a lasting impression on you.
Hopkins, Belize. I saw and experienced so much happiness from people who had very little, and they wanted to share what they did have. They were excited to share their music, their food, and their traditions with strangers.

Do you have a personal mantra or quote that you live by?
“Leave things better than you found them.”

What’s something on your bucket list that you haven’t done yet but would love to?
I want to see the Northern Lights.

How would you explain your job to a curious 5-year-old?
I help people who provide services to those in need do it better. I help them use computers and technology to collect important information, making sure that information is kept safe and protected and teaching them how to use the information to help people get better.

If there was a movie about your professional life, what would the title be, and who would play you?
“The Social Worker and the Computer: How a Liberal Arts Major Tamed Technology,” starring Sandra Bullock

What’s the unexpected challenge you’ve faced in your role?
One big challenge has been maintaining the right mix of skills and expertise to match customer needs.

If you could have an adventure with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
Santa Claus! Nothing but fun – building toys and riding on a reindeer-driven sleigh delivering joy across the world! And I would love to know how he gets all that done overnight!

What’s your favorite way to unwind after a busy day?
Playing the piano

If your business card was completely accurate, what would your title be?
Information Hunter, Firefighter, and Success Chaser

At Xpio Health, we’re committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation in behavioral health expertise, healthcare compliance, and cybersecurity. Our team brings a unique blend of strategic engagement and innovative problem-solving to healthcare. We understand the intricacies of healthcare staff productivity and are dedicated to harnessing the power of healthcare data analytics to improve client satisfaction.

Are you leveraging the full potential of healthcare technology solutions in your daily operations? Let’s connect. We invite you to contact us and discover how our tailor-made solutions can enhance your operations and drive success. Join us in the journey toward smarter, more efficient behavioral healthcare.