How long did it take you to gather your data for your last grant proposal?

How many hours do you spend tracking the data needed for your grant or state reporting? 20 hours? 40? More? Do you have a spreadsheet you update daily, weekly, or monthly? Is your data in one place and easy to find, or are you pulling from many different reports out of your Electronic Health Record (EHR) or other systems? Is this an ongoing endeavor, or, like most of us, do you find yourself scrambling at the last minute?

With the amount of time and frustration it takes to track all the data needed, it’s no wonder this tedious process tends to get pushed to the last minute. Unfortunately, if you’re not managing the data consistently, the process will take longer and be less accurate. Untracked data is missing data.

But what if there’s a better way, an easier way, a more effective way to track and review your requirements? What if instead of pulling report after report, you could go to one place and see all your data laid out for you?

At Xpio Health, we know the data can only tell the story of what’s been entered, so our Data Visualization as a Service (DVaaS) team works with you from the ground up. We start with the basics and gather the requirements you need to track. Then we pull all your data into one easy-to-read dashboard. We pinpoint the records that are missing the required data and help you form a plan to fill those gaps. From there, we create informative visualizations that show where you currently stand, your trends over time, and where you are in comparison to your goals.

If you’d like to learn more about making your grant or state reporting more accurate and easier to produce, please reach out to us today. Let us help find the data management solution that works best for you.